So the last time I wrote I talked how we had plans to be parents on Trek and head back home to Utah to visit for the 4th of July. Trek was an unbelivable experience! We loved the family that we were put with and enjoyed experiencing was the pioneers went through. We were lucky enough to travel along the same trail that the pioneers took in Iowa and ended our journey at a church building that the pioneers used. It was a very spiritual and moving experience!

We went back home to Vermillion and started up our last semester of school! We couldn't wait to be done with it and were anxious to see what our life had ahead of us. All of my classmates were pretty surprised when they found out I was pregnant. I was weird enough being married and in school now I'm pretty sure they thought I was crazy being pregnant and in school lol.
Zack and I both worked for the athletics department for USD and during the football season we were lucky enough to travel with the team to all of their away games! It was so fun and were grateful to help the school out. Zack filmed and helped out the team for the football team and I filmed the games for the sports info department and for the media's use. We went to Arizona, Illinois, Iowa and Nebraska! I was a little nervous being pregnant and traveling but we had no problems occur whole we were doing it!
Towards the end of the year, Zack started looking for jobs after he graduated. We were willing to go anywhere really that was a good job that we knew Zack would enjoy. It was getting down to the wire and we were days away from graduation when he finally got hired with Daktronics which is a company based out of SD. Surprisingly enough the job was for being the area representative for Utah, Idaho and Vegas so back home to Utah we went! We were sad to say goodbye to all of our friends in Vermillion but were anxious to get on with the next chapter of our life. We made some of the best friendships there though, some that we will hold on to for the rest of our lives! There was something special about the people there that has stayed with us and has honestly made it a little hard to get use to living back in Utah.
So we graduated and moved back while I was 6 months pregnant! It was kind of nice because I couldn't lift anything but frustrating because I felt a little useless. We moved into a townhouse in Kaysville and now are currently looking looking for a house.
Zack likes his job a lot! He gets to work from home and travel every few weeks and I get to be full time mommy! He sells marquees, scoreboards and other sporting technology for schools junior college level and below. It's weird for me not being at school or work but I keep myself busy especially now that Damon is 7 mo old! But I'm getting ahead of myself, I think I'll do another post that explains the pregnancy and birth story. So for the rest of our life up to now see that one since our life now pretty much revolves around him!
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