So this is the first time that i'm going to be blogging for real. weird. oh well
So here we are. in Vermillion South Dakota. I never ever imagined i'd be here. Its starting to become home though. but before I get into that I need to write down our story.

Zack and I met at Snow College in August of 2009. I had just graduated from Clearfield High School and he was starting his second year at Snow playing football. I went to the institute dance that was going on (i'd say it was a monday or tuesday we cant really remember haha) with my two roommates Dani Anderson and Stephanie Davis (who is now married and now her last name is Batty). He went with his roommate Brayden Stembridge (who's on a mission in Peru currently). Dani knew Brayden and thats how the 5 of us started talking. technically there was 6 of us there cause our neighbor that lived above us was ANNOYING!!!! and would pop out of no where (STALKER!!!! Yes i would say he stalked me for sure!!!) and when travis walked up to us girls is about the same time we ran into Zack and Brayden (Thank goodness cause I did not want to talk to Travis) and we all left a few minutes later (the dance was a bust!) but only Brayden came over to our house to hang out. so i tell Brayden to get his cute friend over there, and sure enough Zack came over. I thought he was a interesting return missionary that always spoke with his hands and was pretty cute! after a few minutes of talking one of his friends Daniel Dodd came to our apartment to get us and have us go hot tubing with them. it was a lot of fun and Zack and I really enjoyed our conversations we had that night. I must have been saying the right things because a few days later he asked me on a date to go watch the local Derby there in Ephraim and of course i said yes.

we tripled with Dani and a guy that she started dating pretty seriously Bryn Roy, and my other roommate Liz Neilson and Gavin Jones (that only lasted that one date. i've never seen liz so nervous for a date before haha) it was the funnest date!! we rode on the rides and during the derby when they were getting the cars ready or whatever, all of us, but liz, did a race in the middle haha i swear i should of won but they said that one of the other girls beat me HA!! whatair! but anyways that was the night that zackary kissed me. yes i know on the first date and all. he would say that I wanted it and that when we were at the rides at the derby i was totally begging for it but no. not true. haha
anyways we saw each other every day after that (except when he went away for the weekends for football) and he asked about us dating seriously after a month or so but i said no no i'm too young i need to experience life first (HA) and i also thought i was dead set on going on a mission (thats were he always adds in 'ya i knew that wasnt going to be happening' haha) well after a few months on November 16th of 2009 we became 'official' as you call it.

we had some good times dating and getting to know each other. we both had pretty busy lives with school, he had football and i had ambassadors and my other jobs but we always made time for each other. we both had moments of doubt where yes we did unfortunately hurt each other but because of those times we truly realized how important we are in each others lives and how much we really cant live without the other. we both went to Snow College together for 3 semesters and his 4th semester he went of to the University of South Dakota because he has a football scholarship there and was done at snow so he went to a semester there while i finished up my time at Snow. it sucked being so far apart from each other but we made it work. "Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder"! haha
We luckily both had spring break at the same time and thats when he FINALLY proposed to me.

it was absolutely perfect. When i arrived at his house, i walk in to see candles all over the room with music playing and the fire place blazing. He told me to dress fancy (I totally knew it was coming haha) and he wore a shirt and tie (very classy). he made me some delicious pasta, and it was really funny because i could tell how nervous he was cause everytime we sat down to eat he didnt touch his food and if any of you know zack thats not like him at all haha. so on the table were the most beautiful tulips i've ever seen (my favorite flowers). they were white tulips that had been dipped in blue dye so the tips of the tulips were blue. it was gorgeous. so he tells me to come stand by him by the tulips and he says "so the blue dye did a cool thing to the pollen inside" and he peeks inside a tulip. I'm curious and peek over his shoulder then he says "oh thats not a good one look in that one" and points to a tulip and when i look in, it throws me off guard because i did not expect him to do that, but thats where the most beautiful perfect ring was. i pull it out and he would say that he said all of this stuff on how rings dont come from tulips (i didnt hear a word of this though i was too excited/crying/anxious to actually hear him say this) and he gets down on one knee and says "Tara Wayment, will you marry me" and of course i said yes! nothing could have made me happier at that time than that. it was perfect. we spent a wonderful week together planning and enjoying our time together before he had to go back to South Dakota to finish out the semester.
once we were done with classes and he came home time seemed to fly by. he started working for a dish company selling door to door in provo (yes once again far away from me) and i started mowing lawns again for the second summer (loved it and i really miss working with the girls and paul).
we were married on June 14th 2011 in the Salt Lake Temple.
it was the perfect day. we were sealed at 11:40 on a tuesday (i wanted to have it not on a friday or saturday so i would actually spend time at the temple taking picts and not feel rushed). Zack and I were the only ones in the temple room as we were waiting for everyone to arrive, and when we emerged from the temple our family was the only family really out there to greet us. we never felt rushed or hurried, and it was perfect. after taking pictures at the temple we had our luncheon at the Wight House in Bountiful and then the reception in Layton at the Chantilly Mansion. it was perfect. I would of never guess so many people to come support us on our special day. I truly felt loved. of course i was surprised by a few who didnt show but it being on a tuesday i understand.
we spent two nights in the Anniversary Inn in Salt Lake in the Romeo & Juliet room (AWESOME!!!!!!!!) and then went down to St George where we went to the Tuacan to see "the Little Mermaid" performed (once again it was AMAZING!!!!!) and to vegas for a day. it was wonderful we didnt want to come home. but we had to and after that we packed up, and headed out here to Vermillion South Dakota. like i said, i NEVER imagined myself out here. but there is a great branch out here and great friends that I am already feeling very comfortable with. we truly are blessed to be memebers of the church and as i'm living outside of Utah for the first time i'm beginning to truly understand what that means.
We just spend the 4th of july with our new friends the Mike and Brook Neilson and the Terrance and Andrea Coomb and each of their babies, SO SO Cute!!! and it was a lot of fun shooting off fireworks that i always have grown up as them being illegal but here it was all good! it was a lot of fun!!
well thats it for now. haha wow that was long i'll hopefully stay consistent with this and continue to blog. we'll see :)